Corporate Secretary Services

Corporate Secretarial Services dapat memberi nilai tambah perusahaan dalam menghasilkan laporan keuangan yang berkualitas dan terpercaya.
Kantor Akuntan Publik Jakarta TNN with BOKS International

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corporate Secretarial Services

These services help ensure that companies stay compliant with local regulations, maintain good corporate governance, and manage the necessary administrative tasks involved in corporate operations.

Corporate Secretarial team ensure that the compliance requirements of the Company's own Articles of Association are complied with, both in terms of the filing of statutory forms and the correct drafting of documents to record the actions of directors and shareholders.

Our corporate secretarial services are designed to support management’s tasks in particular maintenance of statutory records, AGMs, general company law compliance, appointment and resignations of directors & commissioners, liaising with notary, etc. Other areas which we also can provide support and assistance include Ad-hoc advice on corporate secretarial procedures, director meeting resolutions, registered office and service address, capital increase/reductions, attend regulatory filling requirements.

LKPM Reporting

These LKPM Reporting help ensure that companies stay compliant with local regulations, maintain good corporate governance, and manage the necessary administrative tasks involved in corporate operations.

wLKP Reporting

These are helping to ensure that companies stay compliant with local regulations, maintain good corporate governance, and manage the necessary administrative tasks involved in corporate operations.

Compliance with Regulatory Authorities

These will help ensure that companies stay compliant with local regulations, maintain good corporate governance, and manage the necessary administrative tasks involved in corporate operations.